

エイドリアン・デイ 不況は列車のように迫ってくる
2023年11月8日、エイドリアン・デイ・アセット・マネジメントの創設者兼CEOであるエイドリアン・デイは、ニューオーリンズ投資会議2023で、Kitco Newsの主幹キャスター兼編集長のミシェル・マコリと対談した。インタビューの中でデイ氏は、米国経済が景気後退に向かうことについて懸念を表明し、金融引き締めの反動が遅れているため「避けられない」とした。



Adrian Day Warns of ‘Inevitable’ US Recession, Describes it as a ‘Freight Train Heading Towards Us’

Adrian Day Warns of ‘Inevitable’ US Recession, Describes it as a ‘Freight Train Heading Towards Us'


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In a recent interview, Adrian Day, CEO of Adrian Day Asset Management, shared his insights, positing a looming economic downturn in the U.S. Day critically analyzed the Federal Reserve’s actions, explaining their expected impacts on the nation’s economy.

Adrian Day: Recession Looms Like an Oncoming Train

On November 8, 2023, Adrian Day the founder and CEO of Adrian Day Asset Management spoke with Michelle Makori, the lead anchor and editor-in-chief at Kitco News at the New Orleans Investment Conference 2023. During the interview, Day voiced concerns about the U.S. economy’s trajectory towards recession, deeming it “inevitable” due to the delayed repercussions of monetary policy tightening.

He noted the historical sequence where recessions ensue rate hiking cycles, highlighting that the average delay from rate hikes’ commencement to recession onset spans approximately 22 months. This perspective indicates that the U.S. might not yet have fully grappled with the Federal Reserve’s measures, suggesting an impending recession.

“A recession is inevitable in my view,” Day said. “It’s all but inevitable, it’s built-in and a lot of people think, well you know the Fed’s done all is dramatic hiking and we haven’t had a recession yet, therefore we’ve escaped it — I think they’re living in fantasy land.

Adrian Day Warns of ‘Inevitable’ US Recession, Describes it as a ‘Freight Train Heading Towards Us'





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